No sean tímidos, repitan después de mí.
Sonic Nurse. Sonic Nurse.
No sé por qué, me encanta cómo suena :D Y me encanta cómo se siente al decirlo; es como comer algo dulce que no empalaga... ¡Oh! Como ese helado del otro día :)
En fin, I love Sonic Youth and I love Sonic Nurse's cover art. (And I Love You, Golden Blue ;) )
Estas chicas fueron pintadas por Richard Prince y son parte de su serie "Nurse Paintings", de la cual les hablará some person from The Center For Nursing Advocacy:
The pop-obsessed Prince, who according to the exhibition press release is an "ardent bibliophile," starts with the covers of mid-20th century pulp novels about nurses. He preserves the single, standing figure of a white-uniformed nurse and a large printing of the novel's title. Then he imbues most of the works with a sense of dread, from creeping to overwrought. White masks, looking vaguely surgical but really more like rough paint blobs, cover much of each nurse's face. Runny paint bleeds off different parts of the figures, which are surrounded by bold color, often variations of red--get it? In some cases, Prince goes so far as to locate the bloody mess at the nurses' mouths, eyes and/or groin areas. Parts of the original book cover backgrounds emerge in vague, often ominous forms. Of course, given the source images, there are no male nurses.So, yeah: books, dread, white masks and runny paint - my type of art.
Ahora... La canción...
Recuerdo haber puesto I Love You, Golden Blue un día que no tenía que ver con el 50 Day Song Challenge, así que ahora los dejo con Pattern Recognition. Marvelous.
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